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our work

Branding shows up in many facets of life, and for the last ten years, we have had the privilege of working with businesses and individuals to utilize our specialized approach to help them achieve their goals.

Below are highlights to show the range of the different aspects of branding that we have been able to touch. Our work starts first with believing in people. We love being around dreamers and appreciate their willingness to create the ideas that change the world!

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personal branding

Collaborated with the leadership of Johns Hopkins: Wilmer Eye Institute to expand their Ophthalmic Technician Assistant Apprenticeship Program by offering personal branding workshops and career coaching to select members of their candidate pool.

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career advancement

Supported the vision of Micheal Molla, former MICA VP of Strategic Initiatives and now current President of Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, by designing and facilitating career branding workshops for employees within the department to develop skills for upward mobility within the college.

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second chances

Orchestrated and worked alongside a team of nationally recognized business personalities, Chris Gross and Michelle Singletary, to design a robust reentry experience utilizing branding concepts to support returning citizens transitioning from the Maryland Prison System.

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youth empowerment

Co-created the Jubilee Arts' Youth-in-Business program, where teenage youth used our branding approach to learn how to run a cooperative business as well as preparation for life after high school.

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youth development

Helped launch the Art2Work program, a summer initiative offering hundreds of youth the opportunity to gain work skills while getting paid, teaching them how to use their personal brand to prepare for opportunities after high school.

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executive coaching

Supported the initial launch of Baltimore Creatives Acceleration Network (BCAN), serving the entrepreneur leaders of the program as the organization's first-course manager.

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business branding

Co-founded Create U NETWORK: a Baltimore-based organization geared towards supporting leaders of lifestyle businesses to learn how to use branding to develop their ideas.

community leaders

Supported members of Maryland Institute College of Art's Master of Fine Arts in Community Arts and Community Art Collaborative AmeriCorps Program, offering personalized branding workshops for emerging leaders seeking to grow their careers in purpose-driven organizations.


Co-facilitated alongside internationally recognized Stanford professor and entrepreneurship guru Dr. Lena Ramfelt at Denver StartUP week, teaching emerging and established entrepreneurs how to position their businesses best.

small business

Worked alongside Creative Startups, a national ad internationally respected entrepreneurship organization, by facilitating branding workshops virtually to the creative entrepreneurs of their Libraries to Launchpads program.

career branding

Designed and facilitated personal branding workshops for hundreds of participants of Baltimore Based organization Civic Works: Center for Sustainable Careers, equipping them with the tools needed to transition and progress in careers.

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